Henrico Kotze, Sales Director

Since the early days of Henrico's career, he has been drawn to the realms of asset and risk management. Recognising the pivotal role that customer service and peace of mind play, he is committed to ensuring that your risks are safeguarded and shielded at all times. His vision revolves around delivering an exceptional tailored experience to each and every customer. When Henrico himself embarked on the significant journey of relocating to New Zealand back in 2015, he found himself facing the very challenges he is well-versed in. Entrusting his financial profile to The Rand Group, he experienced firsthand the efficient management of his personal funds and the smooth execution of his financial migration process. With his role as a Director at Rand Rescue, Henrico remains dedicated to providing steadfast expertise and guidance in the field.
Blog Post by Henrico Kotze, Sales Director
South Africa’s Two-Pot Retirement System: Access Your Retirement Funds
With the introduction of the Two-Pot Retirement System, South Africans with pension ...
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50 Things to See and Do in New Zealand
New Zealand offers an abundance of attractions and activities that will surely captivate ...
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Helpful Resources for New Immigrant Families in New Zealand
Discover the top resources and support available for new immigrant families in New ...
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Expat tax woes - dealing with SARS from abroad
When moving abroad the primary focus is generally settling in and assimilating to a new ...
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The link between tax compliance and visa vetting
We’ve spoken at length about tax residency and tax compliance before, but there’s one ...
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Tax emigration conundrums
Many South Africans have historically played ignorant or sought to benefit from SA’s ...
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Tax emigration: What does the 'Cease to be a Resident' directive mean?
In the previous article, Demystifying Tax Residency, we discussed tax residency and how ...
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Demystifying Tax Residency
Given how divergent different tax and residency systems work the world over it’s no ...
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What is Tax Emigration?
When you moved abroad, you packed up all your possessions and shipped them off to their ...
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New kids on the BRICS bloc
With the BRICS summit now done and dusted, many people are wondering how the new dynamic ...
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